We are happy to bring to Thanjavur the latest and the state of the art in fully automated biochemical analysis of blood samples – namely
- ROCHE – Cobas e 411 – ECLIA (Electro Chemi luminescence Immuno Assay)
- ROCHE – Integra 400 – Fully Automatic Bio-Chemistry Analyzer
Using this, we can most accurately measure the values of various blood tests, with almost zero scope for human error. These machines are the most advanced, latest and fully automated Electro chemi luminescence immuno assay machines in the world with which we can do
- All Hormone Assays
- Drug levels in the blood
- All Immuno Globulins
- Vitamin D & Vitamin B12, Serum Iron, transferrin, ferritin etc.
- Torch Panel
- LDH, CPK, Troponin and various other parameters,
With Integra – 400 all Bio-Chemistry analysis can be done.
As you are also aware, we at Dr. Joseph’s ortho clinic have been pioneering in the field of arthroscopy and arthroplasty in this region in the last 10 years. To further the cutting edge of the quality of our arthroscopy work, we have now invested in the latest technology in the field of Arthroscopic tissue removal – the Coblation technology – from Arthrocare INC USA. The use of this technology reduces drastically the time required and improves the quality and accuracy of tissue removal at the time arthroscopic ligament reconstruction and other arthroscopic procedures. We welcome you to make good use of this opportunity.